Online Fitness Coaching

Work with one of our fitness coaches to overcome all of the barriers to your success. You'll finally have that peace of mind that you're doing all the right things to get the best results.
No credit card required.

Why our program actually works

Our trainers have worked with thousands of people and consistently generated amazing results. Through that time, we've learned how to deliver consistent results, no matter what obstacles they face.


Unlike online programs sold by fitness influencers to the masses, all of our programs are 100% customized to your schedule, your preferences, and your level of experience.


We're not going to overload you with information and leave you to figure things out on your own. You'll have a phone number you can text anytime and we'll be checking in on your progress and adjusting your program on a weekly basis!


Nutrition shouldn't be complicated and confusing. But if you research online, you'll probably end up more confused than ever before. That stops now. We'll keep things simple and easy for you to follow.


We've trained thousands of people and we know the importance of consistency and accountability in your fitness journey. This a long game and we'll equip you with the tools and support team necessary to achieve what you never thought possible. Getting results is a thing of beauty when it's backed by science-based fundamentals. Become the best version of yourself, and then get better. It's all about continuous improvement. Are you ready to finally achieve the results you’ve been looking for?


We're not going to lie to you and tell you the journey is going to be easy. It's not. You'll have to make changes to your diet. You'll have to find time to fit in workouts. You'll have to listen to us. But the reward will be the best physique you've ever had. Are you willing to make some changes?
We don't accept every client into our online coaching program. That's right, we're more than happy to turn down business. If you aren't a good fit and aren't ready to become a better version of yourself, then we won't be able to help you. We give our clients personalized attention, listening to their questions and adjusting their program to ensure progress. Since it's so personalized, we can only work with a small group of people. We want to have a good relationship with our clients, so we'll be picky with who gets approved for our online coaching program.
If you get accepted, we'll notify you via e-mail within 1-2 business days. We'll schedule a call with you to dive deeper, and once you sign up, we'll get you set up with your customized programs. You'll have a phone number you can text us at anytime you'd like, and we'll track your progress on a weekly basis. That's right, you'll hear from us weekly. You'll be able to text us anytime. Nobody provides accountability like us.



No matter where you are on your fitness journey, we'll help you live a healthier and better life. You'll look better, move better, your confidence levels will be sky high, and your energy levels will be through the roof. Does this sound like something you want? We thought so.





By combining weight training and high intensity interval training with proper nutrition, you'll maximize calories burned both during, and after, your workouts. You'll get there with advice grounded by science-based fundamentals.


Our format for strength training will help you build muscle faster, without gaining unwanted fat throughout your body. We'll help you achieve the body and shape you've always wanted.


Strengthening your body is the foundation of any good training program - whether your goal is to gain muscle or lose weight, improving your strength will help you get there faster while increasing the ease of your day-to-day movements.
**Legal disclaimer. Results may vary. FITHAUS does not provide any guarantees on your progress


Your success is our success. See what our clients are saying about us.
Your success is our success. We are 100% committed to helping you achieve extraordinary results. Check out some of our reviews below!
Client Reviews
Average Rating (Out of 5.0)
Julian Tafuro

My results over the past 8 months have been remarkable.

My results over the past 8 months have been remarkable. The customized programming has kept my workouts fun and engaging while helping me progress on a weekly basis. I’ve learned a tonne from my workouts and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend FITHAUS to any of my friends and colleagues.
Gary Silva

I've lost 40 pounds in just over 4 months and have never felt stronger

I highly recommend FITHAUS I have lost 40 pounds in just over 4 months and have never felt stronger. The customized programming and nutrition has been a real gamechanger for of the best decisions I have made in my life.
Prashanth Mohan

FITHAUS equals positive ROI

Fithaus = positive ROI :) I joined the program just under 3 months ago and have lost just under 23 pounds. The programming has been fantastic at slowly increasing the intensity of workouts each session and I've noticed that my endurance and general strength have both increased with time. I had quite a bit of lower back pain before I started working out and that's also almost completely disappeared. I highly, highly recommend FITHAUS if you're looking for a customized, flexible, and "human" training solution.
Seema Agnihotri

One of the best decisions I have made!

I signed up with FITHAUS on the recommendation of a friend. I have to say it’s been one of the best decisions I have made! Although I had been working out off and on, I was never able to make it part of my regular routine until now. Each workout is planned out and tailored to achieving my goals. For the first time in my life I don’t dread having to work out and am loving my sessions. The workouts are challenging and efficient and in two months I have already seen amazing progress in my strength, muscle tone and overall have more energy. It’s been a life changing experience for me, I highly recommend the team at FITHAUS!
Warren Phen

My experience so far has been unforgettable and life changing!

I’ve been training with FITHAUS for over 3 months and have seen incredible results so far. The structure and progression of the workout plans have been both challenging and fun, yet extremely rewarding. I've seen great results and can't wait to keep going!
Sheryll Young-Alonso

I'm hooked!

I have been hooked since January :) I challenged myself to not look at the scale but focus on how I felt physically / mentally going through this journey and FITHAUS's programming has really helped me get there. Seeing great results so far and could not have achieved that without their guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What differentiates FITHAUS’ online training?

Customization. Most other online coaching services use exercise and diet templates to service their clients. We don’t believe in cookie cutter services. We’ve automated our processes to provide you with completely customized programming at a fraction of the cost.

Do you service complete beginners?

Fitness and health is about self-improvement. We’ve worked with individuals who have never been to the gym before, all the way to athletes that compete in powerlifting. Regardless of your fitness level we have the knowledge and resources to help you out.

What if I’m more advanced in the gym?

We’ve worked with plenty advanced clients too. The training fundamentals are grounded in science, so regardless of your fitness level, we can tailor a plan to you.

Do you have experience with injuries?

Absolutely. Many of our clients will come to us with nagging back, knee or shoulder issues. We’ll help you fix any issues you’re experiencing or refer you to a specialist if we believe your area of concern is out of scope.

How soon can I expect to see results?

The pace at which you’ll see results is contingent on a number of factors including your goals, current lifestyle and nutrition. We will help guide you and establish lifestyle changes so that you’re set up for success. Goals in fitness take consistency over an extended time frame - the majority of our clients see significant results after a six month time frame of following our programming.

Why is there a minimum 3 month commitment?

We’ve trained thousands of people and we know that quick fixes don’t work. We play the long game and require a minimum 3-month commitment. You’re here for accountability and this is part of it - we don’t want you quitting before you hit your stride. Just know that this is a long-term game. Most clients need at least 6-12 months to reach their goals. But we’re confident that once you see what you can accomplish with us in 3 months, you’ll want to stick around for the long haul.

How often will I be in contact with FITHAUS?

Our team is available from 9 am to 9 pm EST to receive any questions and will respond within 12 hours at the latest! We’re happy to chat via text or email - whatever works best for you!

How much does your online training cost?

Our online coaching program costs $199 USD per month. We require a three month minimum commitment due to the consistency required to see a benefit from the service. Your success is ultimately our success and we want you to get results that you never thought possible.

Get started today

Apply for coaching today by clicking the button below. We'll send you an email after signing up with a thorough questionnaire for you to fill out to see whether you're eligible for the program!
Apply for coaching today by clicking the button below. You'll receive an email after signing up with a thorough questionnaire for you to fill out. We'll review your application within one business day and let you know about your eligibility!